Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Express Yourself October Extravaganza


Things are different this year, across the board. Some things we can do very little about, others we have some control over. This Halloween weekend, 10/31-11-1, Owl's Hill is partnering with some friends to present the Express Yourself October Extravaganza. The Studios & shops of Owl's Hill will be open, Walnut Feent will be playing in the Gallery all weekend, and our good friends at Express Yourself and JML Tattoo will be co-hosting this event, bringing their own special magic into the proposition. 

This is a family-friendly and socially responsible weekend, and that just means things will be extra nice. Lessons, exhibits, music, art for sale, and a special Owl's Hill Enticement: come by over the weekend and participate. Enter for the art drawing in the Gallery--no purchase necessary. Walnut Feent will draw a winner Sunday at noon, and the results will be available on our Facebook page.

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